GenericAttribute Table

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4 年 前

In my database, this table takes about about 1GB of space. Can I clear this table of all rows? If not, what types of rows should I keep? The table appears to hold the customer's name, whether they use reward points, last visited page, and page where the user last searched for a product.
4 年 前
It stores all the attributes for a customer - name, sex, etc as well as the 'settings' or stored values you have detailed
I would think you need to keep all rows which belong to the all the customers you want to keep in the database
The EntityId is the key for the particular attribute. In the case of a customer it is the Customer record ID.

Have you tried shrinking your database to get rid of unused space
4 年 前
I had a custom plugin that accidentally made several thousand rows in that table. I removed the unnecessary rows. I have shared hosting through Everleap. How do I shrink a database?
4 年 前
Using a tool like SSMS, this example uses DBCC SHRINKDATABASE to decreases the size of the database named Sample, allowing for 10 percent free space:


However, "several thousand rows " is not a lot.  The space will be used automatically as new data gets added to your database.  I do not recommend you shrink the DB, as it can cause other issues (fragmentation).
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