Store keeps on sending E-mails to default store E-mail address and to that of signed up customer non stop unless deleted from Message Queue.

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13 年 前
I have just installed nopcommerce and now configuring it.

Inputed all the correct settings for my SMTP (Host, port etc.) and the test E-mail arrives fine to any address I tested it with.

However should I fill in the contact form or have a new user sign-up the store can't stop sending the same message over and over again to the default store E-mail address or to that of the user. Keeps sending the welcome to the store E-mail or the message body of the contact form. To stop it I have to go to message queues and delete the message(s) from there which are flagged as unsent even though they have been sent obviously.

I am unable to permanently set the  Maximum send attempts: just for that particular unsent message, so it re-sends everything 10 times even though the message went out fine the first time.

using ver 1.9

Anyone know why it's doing this?

13 年 前
What the heck can it be?

In message queue when looking at details for any particular message it always says : Sent on : Not sent yet !

Why does it not tick off as sent ??????? Some help plz peeps.

I have written to my webhost provider asking their opinion, it just feels like their smtp server and the nopcommerce message queue controller/mailer are not communicating correctly for some reason.
13 年 前
a few hints:

Your provider can see in the email server logs what is happening!

You can debug the sending of emails in nop!

Are there error messages in the nop log? >Admin..>system>log
13 年 前
When you say debug the sending of mails, do you mean I should open the source and find the class responsible for all outgoing mail from the store and debug that? Why would I expect to see errors there, it's a basic feature which I am sure has been done right.

I have tried a few other smtp servers and same story, so it's definitely something to do with the actual store settings. But no one else seems to be experiencing this problem so I don't know what the hell is going on.

Nothing in the mail error log of worth. Just some 3 day old unrelated authentication errors.

So they advised I simply use "localhost" with no authentication details to send mail using their smtp server. But problem persists and nop will simply not flag the message as sent and continues sending it out.

Here's an example of configuring apps to use their smtp server:

Mail server to use in web site code

Server: localhost
Username: leave blank
Password: leave blank

The Host/Server address to use when sending email through a web site, either in ASP, PHP, ASP.NET or Perl is "localhost".
No username and password is required.

Below is an example of how to use this from ASPEmail in ASP:

Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
Mail.Host = "localhost"
Mail.From = "[email protected]"
Mail.AddAddress "[email protected]"
Mail.Subject = "This is a test"
Mail.Body = "This is an ASPEmail test"
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