New Translation

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15 年 前
Hello, i have finished translating the system to Hebrew (Database Table),
And completed transition to RTL format.

I would like to thank the developers for the first CMS i've seen that supports localization so fluently.

What i have left is translating the Administartion panel, which unfortunately doesn't support localization.
Currently i am having trouble with the menu layout, whose inner-child opens to the right, while i would like it to open to the left. setting direction:rtl; at the asp:Menu level, would cause the sub-child to open ON the parent node therefore hiding it.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks again for the system!
15 年 前
I would also like to add the local currency as an avalible currency.
any explanations on how to do that would be very appreciated
14 年 前

For RTL menu layout in administration panel you can change the following setting in menu.css file :

first of all insert the following property under ".AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li"
float:right [color=red]!important[/color];

this change will solve your problem . but for better appearance you must go further:

under ".AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li a img" (line 16) change
adding-right: 7px; --> padding-left: 7px;

under .AdminMenu .AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu ul (line 126) change:
left: 0; --> right: 0;

under .AdminMenu .AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu ul li (line 168) change:
text-align: left; -->text-align: right;

under .AdminMenu .AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu ul ul li (line 176) change:
text-align: left; --> text-align: right;

under .AdminMenu .AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu li ul li ul (line 188) change:
margin: -31px 0 0 170px; -->margin: -31px 170px 0 0px;


under   .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li:hover ul a, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li:hover ul span, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-Hover ul a, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-Hover ul span, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li:hover li:hover ul a, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li:hover li:hover ul span, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-Hover li.AspNet-Menu-Hover ul a, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-Hover li.AspNet-Menu-Hover ul span (line 76) change: (((WOW ... that's too big ;) )))

text-align: left; -->text-align: right;

that's it .i hope this will help.

note: line's number are before the first change and related to ver. 1.11 of the menu.css.
P.S.: and I would like to thank the developers too.
14 年 前
Hi Phi,

Do you managed with RTL in front-end ?
I'm looking for RTL solution in 1.20 but i'm not familiar with CSS :(

14 年 前
Ranmonster wrote:
Hi Phi,

Do you managed with RTL in front-end ?
I'm looking for RTL solution in 1.20 but i'm not familiar with CSS :(


Hi Ranmonster,

i just horizontally flipped the "darkOrange" template.
if you are interested, you can download it here.

(i am not completely test it. i just do a quick review with FF 3.0.11/IE 7/Opera 9.62)
14 年 前
Thanks Phi.
I reviewed the files you sent me and now I have ideas how to make nopClassic RTL. There many changes !!! :))
BTW: do you plan to use both of the layouts RTL and LTR on your site ?
If yes, it requires to implement "per user" theme option, do you started to do something like this ?
14 年 前
Hi ...

For use both RTL and LTR layout i get the idea from this topic] (thanks to]qais.
with a little change as follow:

1.Goto Administration Area -> Content management -> Localization -> choose your RTL Language and add a new Resource name Other.PageDirection and set the value to RTL

2.copy your RTL theme in app_Themes

3.define a new setting for RTL theme in Administration -> Configuration -> All Setting : Add New .

setting name : Display.PublicStoreThemeRTL
setting Value: darkOrangeRTL (or whatever you named it)

4.then in the BaseNopPage class (controls/BaseNopPage.cs), change OnPreInit event :

        protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
            //string publicStoreTheme =  SettingManager.GetSettingValue("Display.PublicStoreTheme");
            /* Add by phi-------*/
            string publicStoreTheme;
            Language language = NopContext.Current.WorkingLanguage;
            if (LocalizationManager.GetLocaleResourceString("Other.PageDirection", language.LanguageID) == "RTL")
                publicStoreTheme = SettingManager.GetSettingValue("Display.PublicStoreThemeRTL");
               publicStoreTheme= SettingManager.GetSettingValue("Display.PublicStoreTheme");
            /*-------- Add by phi*/
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(publicStoreTheme))
                this.Theme = publicStoreTheme;

note : in this method i assume that your default page direction is LTR(i mean , you set a LTR theme in Administration -> configuration -> Global Setting - seo/display : Store theme)
14 年 前
Hi Yat!

Could you please publish your hebrew language pack?
I have been looking for a hebrew supported eCommerce solution for quite a while...

14 年 前
i am using NopCommerce 1.2 and i need to use  language with rtl direction , can any body advice, coz i am facing a lot of problems related to thi issue,
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