Deleted Admin Account by mistake

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13 年 前
like I said, sorry for asking the obvious, but (speaking from experience ) we've all overlooked the obvious at some point !!

but, to continue

if the user    [email protected]   is still there, and they are not deleted then you should be able to log on as that user using the default password eg 'admin' ( unless you changed it to something else )

as another option if that doesn't work, try logging on using a different browser

as another thought, if you created new users but you cannot see them in the database - is it possible that you are not looking at the correct database ?

open   connectionstrings.config  and check to see if the database listed here is the same one you are connecting to using sql server
13 年 前
Thanks Again for your response. I agree I should be able to log in using the [email protected] with the admin password. But, it's not allowing me to do that. I did try signing on from a different browser and a different computer, but I still wasn't able to get in. You did mention using the open connectionstrings.config  command to see if I'm looking at the correct database. I'm not sure how to use this command being I'm a new user of sql server. I normally just use sql server Server Management Studio 2008, Connect to the Database Engine, open the databases folder and right click on the folder that's the name of the store database to query it or I click on the folder of the database to view the tables and so forth. Other ways beyond that I would need help. Thanks Again.
13 年 前
hi, it's fine how you are using server management studio - connectionstrings.config is a file in your nopcommercestore folder - it was just a thought that maybe the store was attached to one database and you were editing a different database (are you running nopCommerce on your own computer ?)

A connection string to sql server express on your local computer would look like this:

<add name="NopSqlConnection" connectionString="Data Source=YOUR-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=YOURDATABASENAME;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False;Connect Timeout=120" />

have a look at catalog=

and see if its the same one as you are editing via server management studio
13 年 前
Thank You, Thank You Thank You! I am able to log back in. By you suggesting I look at the connectionstrings.config file, then looking at the catalog entry that holds the database name. It was then that I realized that I wasn't connecting to the right database. I had to run out and do some errands but I was so excited, I asked a friend to check it out and he confirmed that after logging into the database, that my account was marked as deleted, he was able to change that to false and Woola! The problem was solved. Thanks a million for hanging in there with me. It's people like yourself that makes this world an ok place to live in.
13 年 前
glad i could help - sometimes its the simplest things that cause us the biggest headaches !!

- hayden
13 年 前
I agree 100%. Thanks Again and keep up the great work.
12 年 前
I accidentally deleted admin in 2.1, I am trying to create again, since I created two additional users, myself included as admin rights.
But I want to recreate user again to maintain consistency.

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