[4.3] Checkout Attribute - when the Condition attribute is checkbox

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3 年 前
NopCommerce 4.3
When check the 'Enable condition' and select checkbox type attribute, the values are not displayed as checkbox and it just like textbox.
3 年 前
Could you please provide more information on how to reproduce the issue? Or maybe, some screenshots
3 年 前
I created new 'TEST' checkout attribute with checkbox control type on the demo site
and tried to select it by clicking 'Enable condition' from 'Gift warpping' checkout attribute
It show textbox not checkbox.


3 年 前
Is there any progress?
I put the screen shot url below.
* screen shot URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oc77gjk5dadjhw9/checkattribute.PNG?dl=0

3 年 前
Thanks a lot! I've just created a work item
3 年 前
I found another bug that might related with this issue.
If there is checkout attribute having the checkboxes control type, any checkout attribute can not be edited

step 1) Create new checkout Attribute with 'checkboxes' control type and add some attribute values
step 2) goto 'Gift wrapping' checkout attribute
step 3) click 'save' button

% Screen shot url : https://www.dropbox.com/s/un3dy8barggt7mb/checkattribute2.PNG?dl=0
3 年 前
Thanks a lot! I've just created a work item
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