Configure WebMatrix to Find SQL Server Compact 4

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13 年 前
I downloaded WebMatrix and Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4 along with the nopCommerce site

When I attempt to install nopCommerce I get the following error message on the SQL Server Page(page 2) :-

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I have checked in Programs/Features and SQL Server Compact it appears to have installed correctly.
Do I have to configure WebMatrix to find the SQL Server and if this is so how do I go about it or is there another problem?

thanks in advance
13 年 前
I found to have the same problem using Go  They do not support NopCommerce is what they told me which is a 3rd party software.  So the problem lies with NopCommerce.  

Is there a fix in the works?  If so let please let me know and I will try to upload and install the program again.
12 年 前
No. No. No.  The problem lies with GoDaddy.  GoDaddy is the king of cheap domain names and managing your own DNS.  But whether you choose PHP and Wordpress, or ASP.NET and nopCommerce, GoDaddy's Web Hosting SUCKS.  The most common issue I've seen with them is the "Internal Server Error".  When you call customer support, they tell you it is something you've coded on your end, but they cannot tell you what it is, since they don't support programming issues.  That seems like a convenient way to get out of 90% of their support responsibilities.

As a quick side note, BlueHost is the best, shared Web Host for PHP apps, such as Wordpress.  Media Temple is probably better for dedicated hosting, but I haven't needed that for any PHP stuff.

As for .NET apps, I highly recommend DiscountASP.NET.  They are a bit on the pricey side after you purchase the required Add-ons (i.e. SQL Server is not included, but rather is an add-on).  But, after 5 years of suffering with the constant Application Pool crashes at WebHost4Life, the pain of 93% uptime — despite their meaningless 99% uptime garantee — it became too unbearable and I had no choice, but to switch.  

I've been with for a year, now and my site has been running at 100% uptime (at least I've never seen an app pool crash or any other host/server-related issue.).

If you can't afford, you might try IX Web Hosting.  I gave them a 30-day shot, before finally settling with  They offer a lot of features for the price and they seemed to work well, but in the end, I just couldn't deal with their seemingly limited and antiquated admin interface.

Sorry if this is the wrong place to talk about good (and bad) .NET web hosts, but you mentioned the problems you're having with GoDaddy and I had to set the record straight.  GoDaddy absolutely sucks for anything but the most basic HTML web hosting.

Disclaimer, I will be paid a commission if you click on and purchase from any of the links in the current post.
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