How to pass parameters into cshtml page

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3 年 前
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have an issue regarding pass parameters into cshtml page.
I have a DataTablesModel in the configure page, this table have many columns including button Edit, when click on this button, it will call Edit function and redirect to Edit page. I want to get appropriately Id to do in Edit function, but Id value is always 0.
How can I get the Id value in Edit function? please help me

Thank & Best Regards,

<div class="panel panel-default">
  <div class="panel-body">
    @await Html.PartialAsync("Table", new DataTablesModel
         Name = "grid",
         UrlRead = new DataUrl("List", "Custom",null),
         Paging = false,
        ColumnCollection = new List<ColumnProperty>
      new ColumnProperty(nameof(CustomModel.Id))
        Title = "ID",
        Width ="300"
      new ColumnProperty(nameof(CustomModel.Id))
        Title = T("Admin.Common.Edit").Text,
        Width = "100",
        Render = new RenderButtonEdit(new DataUrl("~/Admin/Custom/Edit/"))

namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Custom.Controllers
    public class CustomController : BasePluginController
    public IActionResult Configure()
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageWidgets))
                return AccessDeniedView();
    public IActionResult Configure(CustomModel model)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
      return Configure();
  public virtual IActionResult List(CustomSearchModel searchModel)
    return json(model);
  public virtual IActionResult Edit(int Id)
    var model = new CustomModel();
    model.Id = Id; //Id is always 0
    return View("~/Plugins/Custom/Views/Edit.cshtml", model);
3 年 前
What if you set a breakpoint at
 public virtual IActionResult List(CustomSearchModel searchModel)
    return json(model);

Do the list item objects have their Id property set?
3 年 前
New York wrote:
What if you set a breakpoint at
 public virtual IActionResult List(CustomSearchModel searchModel)
    return json(model);

Do the list item objects have their Id property set?

Hi, yes, it return a list of items with properly Id, and when I move the mouse onto Edit button, I found that the status at the taskbar show like that ../Admin/Custom/Edit/Id.

However, I don't know how to get the Id in Edit function. Kindly show me what I am wrong. Thanks
2 年 前

Did you manage to get the passing of parameters done to cshtml pages?

Thanks in advance
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