Database error

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13 年 前

everything works fine with nopcommerce except the the internal backup funktion:

Cannot open backup device '\\s0000008004\ASOS\nopCommerce_1.90_Source\NopCommerceStore\Administration\backups\database_2011-03-11-13-34-43_8890.bak'. Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105). BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

i googled and tried to search in this forum and no solution.

my system:
nopCommerce version:     1.90
Operating system:   Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
ASP.NET info:   v4.0.30319
Is full trust level:   True
Server time zone:   
Server local time:   Friday, March 11, 2011 1:36:36 PM
Greenwich mean time (GMT/UTC):   Friday, March 11, 2011 11:36:36 AM

the shop and the sql2008 server on the same computer, i gave the database also full access read write etc, tried to add another user with full rights but still getting this problem also my machine has full admin rights.

i run the nopCommerce_1.90_Source and compile it with vs2010(v10.0.30319.1) their are also no errors or warnings, it runs on a localhost.

anybody with the same problem or a solution ;))

thank u very much



do u need more information about the running system?
12 年 前
I am running nop V1.19 with SQL Authentication as opposed to Windows Authentication, using SQLEXPRESS
I believe the proble is because the SQL Server User does not have write permission to the backup folder.

The backup folder is C:\inetpub\NopCommerce\Administration\backups

Add write permission for this folder for this user and try again.
[C:\inetpub\NopCommerce\Administration\backups]==>properties==>security==>edit==>add==>advanced==>[find now]==>"look for *MSSQLUser*"

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