Web API (official plugin)

1 年間の 前
Product/AdjustInventory EndPoint

The Message does not update. Any ideas ?


Thank You
1 年間の 前
This is a bug in the AdjustInventory method code, we didn't pass the messinh parameter to the _productService.AdjustInventoryAsync call. We will fix this problem in the next release, but for now you can change the call to this method yourself by passing it the message parameter

[email protected] wrote:
Product/AdjustInventory EndPoint

The Message does not update. Any ideas ?


Thank You
1 年間の 前
payment problem
The cart is empty
1 年間の 前
ahamdmnm82 wrote:
payment problem
The cart is empty

Please describe the issue in details
1 年間の 前
The last step of the sale process is not to end it, but to give the cart an empty one
1 年間の 前
ahamdmnm82 wrote:
The last step of the sale process is not to end it, but to give the cart an empty one

It works absolutely fine in our mobile app (absolutely the same way like in the default web version). Perhaps, you invoke some API methods with wrong parameters.
1 年間の 前
Is it possible to create my a minimal project in the nopcommerce solution and use nopCommerce library projects?
1 年間の 前
Is it possible to push an order directly to an external system through API and directly when the order is placed?
1 年間の 前
Hi Dan.

In our API, there are no methods for sending an order somewhere, you can receive an order through the api and then dispose of this data at your discretion.

Also, our API does not allow subscribing to events (for example, placing an order), but we do not see the need for this. I think it will be easier to write a plugin for nopCommerce itself that will send order data to an external system.

[email protected] wrote:
Is it possible to push an order directly to an external system through API and directly when the order is placed?
1 年間の 前
Sergei-k wrote:
I think it will be easier to write a plugin for nopCommerce itself that will send order data to an external system.

Hi Sergei,
I am trying to do exactly this, but the documentation is seriously lacking in some areas. Using this "send order to external API" question as an example, my understanding is that it would require creating an override for the "PlaceOrderAsync()" function. The documentation for creating an override says to use a "DependencyRegistrar", which would extend "IDependencyRegistrar" from the "Nop.Core.Infrastructure.DependencyManagement" file.
This file does not exist in the 4.60+ source code.
Please can this be added, and/or the documentation updated with accurate instructions?