Nop 4.40.X stops working with Nop-Templates if you install .NET 6/VS 2022 for 4.50

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2 年 前
Hope this helps others. Also a question for the NopCommerce team as Nop-Templates say this is a known bug in NopCommerce.

We encountered an issue where we started getting these errors after installing the .NET 6 hosting bundle both on server and local machine (if you load Nop 4.40 in VS 2022).

ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types.
Return type in method 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.Models.SlidePublicModel.$()' on type 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.Models.SlidePublicModel' from assembly 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders, Version=4.4.954.34874, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not compatible with base type method 'Nop.Web.Framework.Models.BaseNopEntityModel.$()'.
Return type in method 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.Models.Sliders.SlideModel.$()' on type 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.Models.Sliders.SlideModel' from assembly 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders, Version=4.4.954.34874, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not compatible with base type method 'Nop.Web.Framework.Models.BaseNopEntityModel.$()'.

I contacted Nop-Templates support who quickly told me this is a known issue but in NopCommerce, not their software and it is caused by VS 2022. In fact we found our build machine had also stopped working.

I fixed it on the build machine by adding to the "src" folder a global.json with the following in it:
  "sdk": {
    "version": "5.0.200"

That corresponds to the Version 5 SDK I have installed. You can check what V5 SDK you have by typing "dotnet --info" at the command line.

So basically, if the 6.X.X version of the dotnet SDK is used, your site will break if you are using Nop-Templates.

Would be good if this could be resolved by NopCommerce though!
2 年 前
fireblade669 wrote:

I contacted Nop-Templates support who quickly told me this is a known issue but in NopCommerce, not their software and it is caused by VS 2022.

Yes this is correct assertion and a known problem. I couldn't get nop 4.4x working during in runtime when it was complied with VS 2022.
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