An innovative, brand-first payment platform that gives control, knowledge and ownership of the customer experience back to your brand. An All-in-One payments experience with full payments and payment plans.

Powered by Limepay the system provides:
- Once-off, split, and repeating payment options directly in your checkout
- White-label design that prioritises brand ownability
- Elevated eCommerce performance and customer experience
- Customer data that is safer and more secure
- Unlock captive marketing opportunities during the payment and repayment lifecycle
- Simplified Checkout Experience - Option for Embedded Checkout or Post Order Payment

The white-label solution allows you to retain the full customer experience on your website the entire time.
Your nopCommerce website and customers need flexibility when it comes to payment options.
+ Embedded checkout option simplifies the nopCommerce checkout process
+ The customer does not need to maintain another separate payment account
+ Allows you to decide what are the choices when it comes to payment options:
--- Pay Now or Pay Later via Credit Card, Google Pay, Apple Pay
--- Pay by Mobile Phone SMS Link
--- Business B2C, B2B and Enterprise Options for more advanced platforms
--- Virtual terminal – Create one-off orders via the Merchant Desktop and send a link for payment

For more information email [email protected]