Slow product search in version 4.5.3

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1 年間の 前
Just upgraded to NopCommerce 4.5.3 and have a DB with 5000+ products. The product search from the search bar takes 6-7 seconds on average. All other functions have a reasonable response time.

Here is what miniprofiler reported:
Controller Action: Nop.Web.Controllers.CatalogController.Search — 5945.80 ms

Just to clarify, only search by SKU is very slow.

On old NopCommerce 4.2 version, the same DB gives no longer than 1 second search response time.
Does anyone have the same experience? Is there a way we can improve this?
1 年間の 前
Is it a shared server ?
How much memory do you have ?
1 年間の 前
NopCommerce runs on a VPS 2G memory. DB is on a different VPS
1 年間の 前
Hey Talen,

I've one more suggestion for you, You can try our Search Plugin which will help you to enhance your In-Site Search, Which Helps in:

- Improve In-Site Search such as Amazon & google
- Support Auto Suggestion
- Relevance search
- Multi Facet filter search
- Misspell search &
For more -

Please place the order for free Trial from the below:

Feel free to reach me for any technical support.
1 年間の 前
RE: "only search by SKU is very slow."

Add an INDEX to the Product table
  [Sku] ASC
1 年間の 前
Thank you!
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