nopCommerce 4.60 is released

1 年間の 前
Congratulations Nopcommerce Team
1 年間の 前
Congratulations nopCommerce team
11 ヶ月 前

Dear community! We've released a new version - 4.60.3. This is a minor release that is fully compatible with the previous versions (4.60.0-4.60.2). So all third-party plugins for 4.60 work for all minor versions (4.60.0-4.60.3).

It contains several bug fixes. The full list of changes in the new version is available in release notes.

Please download the new version here.
11 ヶ月 前
a.m. wrote:

Dear community! We've released a new version - 4.60.3. This is a minor release that is fully compatible with the previous versions (4.60.0-4.60.2). So all third-party plugins for 4.60 work for all minor versions (4.60.0-4.60.3).

It contains several bug fixes. The full list of changes in the new version is available in release notes.

Please download the new version here.

Great. Thanks for updating.
11 ヶ月 前
a.m. wrote:

Dear community! We've released a new version - 4.60.3. This is a minor release that is fully compatible with the previous versions (4.60.0-4.60.2). So all third-party plugins for 4.60 work for all minor versions (4.60.0-4.60.3).

It contains several bug fixes. The full list of changes in the new version is available in release notes.

Please download the new version here.

I really appreciate this and the good work from your team because these fixes were needed before 4.70 version.
This is excellent Andrei.

Best regards,
11 ヶ月 前
a.m. wrote:

Dear community! We've released a new version - 4.60.3. This is a minor release that is fully compatible with the previous versions (4.60.0-4.60.2). So all third-party plugins for 4.60 work for all minor versions (4.60.0-4.60.3).

It contains several bug fixes. The full list of changes in the new version is available in release notes.

Please download the new version here.

Great! Thank you Nopcommerce team!
9 ヶ月 前
Is it forseen a 4.60.4 before a 4.70 release?

There are a number of good fixes in develop branch post 4.60.3

Keep up the great work!
9 ヶ月 前
MikeEpprecht wrote:
Is it forseen a 4.60.4 before a 4.70 release?

Sure, we plan to release the next minor version in July
9 ヶ月 前
a.m. wrote:
Is it forseen a 4.60.4 before a 4.70 release?
Sure, we plan to release the next minor version in July

Any planned date?
9 ヶ月 前
ornopcom wrote:
Any planned date?

It's still July. Most probably July 31st