product cost to price

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13 年 前
Hi all,

Does anyone know if there is a way in nop 1.9 that when you enter all your buy in product prices (in excel) get automaticly added the profit and vat to the selling price in the shop front, instead of manually doing every sinlge one seperatly.


13 年 前

You can do this on the import xls page,  this is best done at the point you import the products as this is when you can define the product cost and sale price, I did this via excel and then copied the data over to my product import excel template, otherwise you can also do it via the DB as a scripted update.

13 年 前
Hi Rob,

Thanks for the reply, What i am trying to achive is a supplier of mine has 13,785 products that he can uplaod to my db to update my trade product list with specials etc via a custom api so i wanted it to automaticaly update the trade price plus my profit to a normal selling price.

How you getting on with your site?
13 年 前
garrie007 wrote:
Hi Rob,

Thanks for the reply, What i am trying to achive is a supplier of mine has 13,785 products that he can uplaod to my db to update my trade product list with specials etc via a custom api so i wanted it to automaticaly update the trade price plus my profit to a normal selling price.

How you getting on with your site?

Um, er, is the selling Price to Trade a fixed percentage??

The only way that I can see you could do this is to write a simple SQL to take the Trade Price and then increment it by the % increase and then use that as the Sale Price.

Mapping products to the DB from an external source is a bite of a nightmare though, good luck with that! I think there are at least 3 - 4 table and then the Catergory mapping, yuk!

Web Sites nearly there, got a really simply problem that's got me a bit stuck at the moment, if i'm in a Catergory viewing a product, I cannot then click on "Home" or "Contact Us" as the /catergory/default.aspx is not there and it throw's an error!!

I think this needs a URL rewrite setting but I am a bit lost as to a simply solution as I've not done anything with Navigation!!

13 年 前
Hi Rob,

If you are using the header category menu it might be the 'href'  my code from the HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx is below and works a treat only because i noticed that the page names like i do have a Capital.

I am currently working on a ipod flow control menu banner for the home page.

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx.cs"
    Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="SearchBox" Src="~/Modules/SearchBox.ascx" %>
<div class="categoryheadermenu">

    <div id="categorymenu" class="categorymenu">
        <ul class="parentLevelContainer">
            <li class="parentLevel"><a href="../Default.aspx">Home</a><p>
        <asp:PlaceHolder ID="phCategoryMenu" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
        <ul class="parentLevelContainer">
           <%-- <li class="parentLevel"><a href="../ContactUs.aspx">Contact Us</a><p>
    <%--<div class="searchbox">
        <nopCommerce:SearchBox ID="ctrlSearchBox" runat="server" />
<div class="clear">

Hope this helps.
13 年 前
Hi Garry,

Yep, you are right, well spotted!

Can I recompile that module and send that up to the Server (Hosted) or do I need to send the entire NopcommerceStore up to the server, everything I've been doing has been local before this change which is now on the host server??

Thanks again garry

Regards Rob

p.s glad you got this working in the end yourself
13 年 前
Hi Rob,

You are most welcome, i spotted it before i implemented the module as i trained in .net 2.0 when it first came out but never retrain in future coding developments and we always use to use caps for all pages and i always go through any project or files before i add them to any of my projects.

Just ftp the files (as you cannot restart IIS like i can on my server) that you have changed and that should work.
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