Add a new user control to the site.

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13 年 前
Hello folks,

I have just downloaded the 1.90 version and would like to add a new user control.

Now I am a fan of RTFM and trial and error but in order to save much headache
and frustration, is there anyone here who can show me by example how to add
a new control.

Lets say I want to modify the INFOLINK control and add a second version of it
called FOOTERMENU and include this control in the footer.

Basically I want to display a custom nav menu in the footer, this is one example
and by force it would also apply to any other example I could possibly wish to create
in the future.

13 年 前
The simplest is

Right click Modules folder and Add New User control using visual studio. Drag and drop this user control in the footer of the root.master.

you can name this user control as infofooter.ascx and develop according to your needs.

isn't it so cool
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