How do we access the Admin backend in the demo store

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13 年 前
I seems we can only register as an user; but how do we give that user Admin priviliges the user can access the Admin part to test changes?

Thanks in Advance
[email protected] (a work in progress)
13 年 前
rober4t wrote:
I seems we can only register as an user; but how do we give that user Admin priviliges the user can access the Admin part to test changes?

Thanks in Advance
[email protected] (a work in progress)

You can login to a demo-admin ( using password=admin. But is separated form the demo-store, i.e. the changest that you make in demo-admin DO NOT affect demo-sttore, and demo-admin will be refreshed every hour to its original status
13 年 前
Let me see if I understand you correctly: you state that any changes I make in the Admin backend will not be reflected in the demo store?
(I was aware the site is re-set to its original state every hour).

What I was getting at was that I wanted to experiment with making changes in the Admin backend, then toggling back to the public's view of the site's front end to see how my changes turned out and then toggling back to the Admin view again.

You gave me the link to the back end, but once there I made some changes (added a manufacturer, then a product, description, picture etc. then I associated that product with the manufacturer but i did not see an easy way to toggle to the public view to see how it all turned out.

How do I do all that?

Thanks for your help.

Robert Lobaina
[email protected]
13 年 前
rober4t wrote:
Let me see if I understand you correctly: you state that any changes I make in the Admin backend will not be reflected in the demo store?

Hi Robert:
Yes that is right. Changes you make in Admin backend wil NOT be reflected in the demo-store.
For what you want you need to download and install the application in a test site.
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