How to get parameters from URL https://localhost:5001/bmw/3series/air-conditioning

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1 年間の 前
I have added this route:

   endpointRouteBuilder.MapControllerRoute(name: "MakeModelVariant",
             pattern: "{make}/{model}/{term}",
             defaults: new { controller = "MakeModelVariant", action = "Index"});

And this is where it comes:

public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(string make,string model,string term)
            term = "Control arm";
            var modelProducts = await _productService.SearchProductsAsync(keywords: term, pageSize: 4, showHidden: true);

            CatalogProductsModel catM = new CatalogProductsModel();
            catM.Products = (await _productModelFactory.PrepareProductOverviewModelsAsync(modelProducts)).ToList();

            return View(catM);

           // return Content("");

I get to the component but the values of make, model, term are all null. How can I get values here...
1 年間の 前
1 年間の 前
Please share your solution, as it helps the community :)
1 年間の 前
Actually was looking in a component which was inside a view so basically was looking in wrong place .
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