How can I test the multi-store in localhost IIS?

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1 年間の 前
I'm testing Nopcommerce as a candidate to build e-commerce to a client, I need to prepare a demo, but I can't manage to prepare a multi-store on my machine using localhost IIS, how can I do it if possible?
1 年間の 前
One way you can do it is using IIS to host the website
Create New Local use Domains in the Local DNS
i.e. Edit c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts

Bind the above domains to the website in IIS

Then in Visual Studio edit the Nop.Web Debug Properties and add an IIS Configuration using the domain
After the website is running create new stores and map them with the other domains above

To switch stores enter another domain one of the above domains in the browser
1 年間の 前
Thanks @Yidna for the answer.

I did create a new website for nopcommerce and binded the domains to it:

I added my stores and set the stores urls like:

in my host file and added three lines just like you mentioned.

Now requesting the links takes me to the store (I guess), I can see the currency and languages changes, but I found out if I tried to limit a product to a specific store (and even the currencies and languages) it'll not take any effect, I'll see them in all the stores.
Event I tried to set one of the stores in the "General settings" as "Closed" but all the stores are closed now.

I'm publishing my site in local IIS so I thought no need to change the "Nop.Web Debug Properties" you mentioned.

Any idea where's the issue? I'm using the sample data comes with the installation.
1 年間の 前
I found the answer, sorry for bothering you.
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