Hosted on Linux, Image url not working

10 ヶ月 前
We have Hosted the NopCommerce4.50 version project on Linux, but after that, the Image URL stops working.
It adds server IP instead of store location in the image URL. ie:

Does anyone know how to fix this ?
10 ヶ月 前
Hello Bhautik,

You can update store URL same as your IP that you set.
10 ヶ月 前
p.d.dobariya12 wrote:
Hello Bhautik,

You can update store URL same as your IP that you set.

Thanks for the reply, but that didn't worked.

Even I can see there are Shcedulers not working, its throwing an error.
Error 404. The requested page (/scheduletask/runtask) was not found  
Page URL :

So here also it is considering store URL as instead of

I think, the service _webHelper.GetStoreLocation() returning "" string always.  Don't know why.

The same was working fine in IIS.
2 日 前
Maybe you have problem with mixing content in your page.

Try edit nginx config file for your web page and after server_name statement put:
add_header 'Content-Security-Policy' "upgrade-insecure-requests";

Like this:

# Default server configuration
server {

  add_header 'Content-Security-Policy' "upgrade-insecure-requests";