Is there a view component to get discounted products on the home page?

10 ヶ月 前
Hi, I am developing a custom theme. I want to display some products on the home page. I need to display top sellers (is already a view component), new items (not present, but I thought I could use the display on home page setting), and last, I need to display the discounted items... I don't know how to implement this... Any ideas?
10 ヶ月 前
aglasencnik wrote:
Hi, I am developing a custom theme. I want to display some products on the home page. I need to display top sellers (is already a view component), new items (not present, but I thought I could use the display on home page setting), and last, I need to display the discounted items... I don't know how to implement this... Any ideas?

You are a designer or developer. the question you are asking is development related. might be you will need developer help. nopCommerce is open source and developed in core. if you know development you can easily extend nopCommerce services and display your result.

for more information you can follow Development  Guide.
