Pre-Populating Jotform Fields with Customer Data

8 ヶ月 前

We would like to use Jotform for forms as we've encountered a lot of issues with eForms.  We would like to pass account information in the URL to pre-populate the form. Below is an example of a URL to pass the necessary data of the logged in customer (Company Name, Name, Email).

Is there a way to do this with a URL with shortcodes containing the customer information?
8 ヶ月 前
When do you want to do this ?
Yes you can do it but you need to use a plugin or customisation
8 ヶ月 前
You may need to be careful about using the URL / Query string method to to this because it does expose your account number.

A 'hack' ;) ...
With some basic programming ability, you can probably "resolve" the services you need to get that information in the .cshtml file and construct the URL.  Here's the basics: