Message template "OrderProcessing.CustomerNotification" email not triggered when changing order status to "Processing" from "Pending"

8 ヶ月 前
NOP 4.60.4

When using the nopCommerce team  "Purchase Order" plugin, orders are raised with Order status = Pending" and Payment status = Pending.

When changing the Order status in admin (i.e. via /Admin/Order/Edit/999) to "Processing", the email from Message template "OrderProcessing.CustomerNotification" is not triggered. It is only triggered when using other payment methods that set the order status to "Processing" as part of creating the order.
8 ヶ月 前
If you are manually changing the status on the Edit Order Page then yes as the message says:

"This option is only for advanced users (not recommended to change manually). All appropriate actions (such as inventory adjustment, sending notification emails, reward points, gift card activation/deactivation, etc) should be done manually in this case."

As such it does not go through the workflow and hence the email is not sent

If the order is Paid then you need to use the "Mark as Paid" button.
This will then in turn set the status to Processing and all the repective workflows will be followed and the appropriate emails will be sent
8 ヶ月 前
Thanks Yidna, I should have read that message properly.

Perhaps this warrants a separate topic.....but.... when a business places a Purchase Order order, although they can download the receipt/invoice PDF on the order completion page, it is natural for them to expect a receipt/email to be emailed to them.

However, for Purchase Order orders, no email can be sent with the receipt/invoice at the time the order is placed unless it's the "Order Placed" email....but that would lead to another issue....if the store also accepts other payment methods like WorldPay etc, it does not make sense to send the receipt/invoice PDF until they have actually paid successfully.

Short of customisation, there does not appear to be a way to email  Purchase Order customers their receipt/invoice when creating their order, and for other payment types, to only send their receipt/invoice when paid. This is why I was hoping the manual process of changing the order status for Purchase Orders would trigger the Order Processing email so that could be a way for all payment types to receive their invoice.
8 ヶ月 前
You can always enable both templates "Order Placed" and "Order Paid". There is no ability, without customization, to conditionally send one or the other.