Manage customers require ACL access

8 ヶ月 前
Hello everyone, I have a question we have a permission in ACL "Manage Customers" but in order to edit and save a customer we have to give the user role "Manage ACL" permission as well, why is that? I changed the permission from "StandardPermissionProvider.ManageAcl" to "StandardPermissionProvider.ManageCustomers" in the Customer controller and it's working fine. So is there a reason why "Manage ACL" permission is required to edit customers.

I apologize  if it's an irrelevant question.
8 ヶ月 前

If you are not given "ManageAcl" permission then you will get "Not enough rights to manage customer roles" error message.
"Manage Acl" permission is used to configure the customer's roles mapping with a customer.