where can i find robots.txt in root folder

7 ヶ月 前
Dear friends,

I am using venture theme.

if i visit  "  www.ourwebsite/robots.txt "  , i get page with robots txt

where can i find the robots.txt in our sever root folder ?  I search and did not find it

7 ヶ月 前
Please read the below thread.

7 ヶ月 前

Thank you for your response.

I have checked the post in the link. what i understood is to create robots.custom.txt file and placed in the root folder.

I am confused why i should create robots.custom.txt when there is already robots.txt file according to this link in our website :    www.cleanbeautykw.com/robots.txt

I cannot find this file in the server!!!
Can you please have look to our robots.txt file and see if it okay or need update and advise me how to edit it?

Thank you
7 ヶ月 前
mubaader wrote:

Thank you for your response.

I have checked the post in the link. what i understood is to create robots.custom.txt file and placed in the root folder.

I am confused why i should create robots.custom.txt when there is already robots.txt file according to this link in our website :    www.cleanbeautykw.com/robots.txt

I cannot find this file in the server!!!
Can you please have look to our robots.txt file and see if it okay or need update and advise me how to edit it?

Thank you

Which nopCommerce version you are using.
7 ヶ月 前
mubaader wrote:

Thank you for your response.

I have checked the post in the link. what i understood is to create robots.custom.txt file and placed in the root folder.

I am confused why i should create robots.custom.txt when there is already robots.txt file according to this link in our website :    www.cleanbeautykw.com/robots.txt

I cannot find this file in the server!!!
Can you please have look to our robots.txt file and see if it okay or need update and advise me how to edit it?

Thank you

As you are using nopCommerce4.6.x and at this version, the robot.txt is moved to the wwwroot, previously it was in the root directory.  nopCommerce4.6.x is by default disallowed some paths from the bot. You can check it from the General Setting(https://admin-demo.nopcommerce.com/Admin/Setting/GeneralCommon ).  The robots.custom.txt will only be needed when you want to disallow more paths and set other custom rules. If you are developer then can check the
Nop.Web==>Factories==>CommonModelFactory==>PrepareRobotsTextFileAsync and Nop.Web==>Areas==>Admin==>Factories==>PrepareRobotsTxtSettingsModelAsync methods.

robots.custom.txt is only needed when storeowner want to set their custom rules
7 ヶ月 前
Hello Sina,

Thank you for your reply.

We are using Nopecommerce 4.40.3 , Venture theme.

I have copid the robots.txt from my site link and created robots.txt file and added under :

Its worked now.

Thank you for your.