Product tag pages

4 ヶ月 前
Since I don't have a visible feature for removing product tag pages from indexing, is there another way to do this? Url slugs for product tag pages are the same as category pages. There is no difference. -> category page -> product tag page

I can't edit this product tag page. I can't add a meta title, meta description, or body text so this page is useless in terms of SEO. Furthermore, this page is diluting my SEO efforts.

Do you have any suggestions for no index product tag pages on google?
4 ヶ月 前
inottoni wrote:

I can't edit this product tag page. I can't add a meta title, meta description, or body text so this page is useless in terms of SEO. Furthermore, this page is diluting my SEO efforts.

You can modify this page
Your theme/Views/Catelog/ProductsByTag.cshtml
And put your meta tags based on Model.TagName
4 ヶ月 前
Thank you for your reply!

So I can exclude those pages from indexing as well?
4 ヶ月 前
Also, I want to remove product-tag pages as canonical. Do you have any suggestions?
4 ヶ月 前
inottoni wrote:

So I can exclude those pages from indexing as well?

try after using
 NopHtml.AppendHeadCustomParts("<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex, follow\">");
at ProductsByTag.cshtml page
related thread how can i add meta tags no-index follow

or you add all page link at robots.custom.txt as disallow paths
for more check this link Noindex and Nofollow
4 ヶ月 前
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsTwo.cshtml";

    Html.AddTitleParts(string.Format(T("PageTitle.ProductsByTag").Text, Model.TagName));

    //canonical URL
    var canonicalUrlsDisabled = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<SeoSettings>().CanonicalUrlsDisabled;
    if (canonicalUrlsDisabled)

Is this how the code should look like in order to disable canonical urls?
3 ヶ月 前
could anyone help with these? thank you!