Amazon Spam Bot Traffic

2 ヶ月 前
My website has been inundated with Amazon spam bot traffic. They have been hitting my robots.txt file. Does anyone have any advice on how to mitigate this traffic? Thank you!
2 ヶ月 前
I should add - I do have the IP Filter plugin, and I've tried adding IP addresses, but there are so many...and I fear - since IP addresses change so much - I could be blocking good traffic.
2 ヶ月 前
Two things I can think of:

1) Web Application Firewall (WAF).  Does your host have one?  Otherwise Cloudflare or similar.

2) Contact Amazon: If the spam bot traffic is specifically coming from Amazon's servers, consider reaching out to Amazon's support to report the issue. They may be able to investigate and mitigate the problem.
2 ヶ月 前
Great ideas that I'd never considered. Thank you so much. I appreciate the insights.