Discount Rule - On Shopping Cart Quantity (By NopAdvance)

Discount Rule - On Shopping Cart Quantity (By NopAdvance)
This discount rule plugin allows a nopCommerce store owner to configure discounts based on the number of products in a customer’s shopping cart.
拡張機能の取得 このプラグインをダウンロードは、開発者のWebサイトにで行われますので、自動的にリダイレクトされます
サポートバージョン: 4.40, 4.50, 4.60
作成日: 11月 13,2021
最終更新日: 1月 24,2023

Discount Rule - On Shopping Cart Quantity

This discount rule plugin allows a nopCommerce store owner to configure discounts based on the number of products in a customer’s shopping cart.


1This discount requirement works with all discount type's.

2In discount requirement, upon selecting "Must be assigned to Shopping cart quantity" as the discount requirement type, you need to input values for minimum & maximum quantity in a customer's shopping cart on which you want this discount rule to be applied.


supported nopcommerce versions

Supported nopCommerce 4.40, 4.50 & 4.60

fully localizable

Fully localizable

multi store support

Multi-store support

forever free plugin

Forever free plugin

free support and upgrade

Free 1 year support and upgrades since date of purchase

performance optimized

Performance optimized

easy setup

Easy setup

fast and active support

Fast and active support

mvp gold partner certified developers
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