Fullstory Analyzer by nopStation

Fullstory Analyzer by nopStation
Fullstory is a Digital Experience Intelligence (DXI) platform provides a complete picture so you can drive digital growth and transformation.
拡張機能の取得 このプラグインをダウンロードは、開発者のWebサイトにで行われますので、自動的にリダイレクトされます
サポートバージョン: 4.40, 4.50, 4.70
作成日: 11月 04,2021
最終更新日: 6月 03,2024

Fullstory is an analytics service that provides robust tracking and analytics services for online stores, businesses, and other websites. Having support for Fullstory’s analytics, monitoring, and insight features can be a significant selling point for several online businesses.

Fullstory Analyzer plugin for nopCommerce

If you want to enable Fullstory tracking and analytics support for your nopCommerce-powered business, then nopStation is here with its Fullstory Analyzer plugin for nopCommerce. This tracking and analytics plugin allows quick and easy setup and configuration for Fullstory on your online store. This plugin also has additional features such as real-time qualitative and quantitative data, fast insights, fast debugging and optimizations, etc. Using Fullstory services using this plugin can help you run your online business more efficiently through accurate insights and increase engagements, sales and revenue as well.

  • Increase revenue through better conversion
  • Improve organizational efficiency
  • Boost customer growth and retention
  • Reducing costly back-and-forth and increasing throughput
  • Increase user engagement
  • Debug faster and optimize experience
  • Multi-Store supported
  • Collect tracking code or site id from here
  • Put script or organization id from configuration page

Enable Fullstory support on your nopCommerce business with nopStation’s Fullstory Analyzer plugin. Please have a look at one of nopStation’s other class-leading Analytics plugins, Google Analytics 4(GA4) with Enhanced eCommerce plugin

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