General Tracking (Customer's Interests) (

General Tracking (Customer's Interests) (
4.0 2
What are your customers interested in? Statistics.
拡張機能の取得 このプラグインをダウンロードは、開発者のWebサイトにで行われますので、自動的にリダイレクトされます
サポートバージョン: 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
作成日: 11月 26,2014
最終更新日: 5月 04,2024

General Tracking (Customer's Interests)

Tracking system. What are your customers interested in? Statistics (FOXNETSOFT.COM)


By using this plugin, the administrator of the website will be able to increase sales volumes by analyzing than the customers’ interests at the website. The plugin collects statistics on who viewed the products at the website, how long, and what products (have not bought but just viewed). Website administrator will be able to find out what the customers are interested in, which is the most popular product in terms of views. By using these statistics, you will be able to make decisions, probably you have overstated price or you should send a special offer to the customer with a special price. Statistics can be viewed in the context of the customer/product/the entire store.

New feature

We added new feature in nop 4.10 and new versions. Custom type of activity.

By default plugin tracks activity "View product details page". Now we are able to add new custom activity type, example "Email to friend", "Add to compare list", "Request to quota".
You need to add new type of activity and execute JavaScript code manually.
fnssavecustomertracking(productId, customerViewedTypeId);

Example 1.
You see that the most popular item in your store is iPhone 6, but they don’t buy it. Perhaps the price is too high.
You check who were interested in this product, and you can see that at intervals of a few days this page was viewed by buyer [email protected].
You send him a special offer with a special price.
You can make a special offer using Special Price Offer plugin.

Example 2.
You plan to launch a promotion campaign in the store. You change the price of the product. You send a message to all customers who were interested in this product with the information about promotional price.
You can make a special offer using Special Price Offer plugin.
You can make e-mailing using Smart Campaign plugin.

Demo version of the plugin is fully functional, it has a trial period of 10days.
You can download and try it without any restrictions.


  • Very good performance
  • Support custom activity types
  • Many custom settings


Supported nopCommerce 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30, 4.20, 4.10

Fully localizable using extermal XML files

Multi-store support

Free Trial

1 year free support and upgrades since purchase date

Performance optimization

Easy setup and customization

Fast support

About US

We did more than 95 plugins for nopcommerce during last three years. Check out portfolio.

[email protected] 2015/02/24 11:41
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[email protected] 2015/02/24 11:41
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