Mouseflow Analyzer by nopStation

Mouseflow Analyzer by nopStation
Mouseflow lets you replay the full visitor experience to identify pain points, boost conversions, and optimize your site.
拡張機能の取得 このプラグインをダウンロードは、開発者のWebサイトにで行われますので、自動的にリダイレクトされます
サポートバージョン: 4.40, 4.50, 4.70
作成日: 10月 28,2021
最終更新日: 6月 03,2024

Mouseflow is a tracking tool with advanced tracking features such as scroll, mouse movement, forms, clicks, and other tracking metrics. Because of this, Mouseflow is a popular choice as a tracking and analytics tool for a diverse range of online stores and websites.

If you want to enable Mouseflow tracking features on your online store, then nopStation is here with its Mouseflow Analyzer plugin for nopCommerce. This tracking and analytics plugin lets you set up Mouseflow services in just a few simple clicks. This plugin enables additional features such as tracking real-time behavior, such as journeys through heatmaps, progress, user feedback, and other behavioral data. Using this plugin, you can enable an entire tracking ecosystem for your online business and get better insights.

  • Replay sessions to learn from real user behavior
  • Heatmaps reveal digital customer journey hotspots
  • Strengthen weak points in customer journeys
  • Break down form progress to optimize field by field
  • Seamlessly collect user feedback alongside behavior data
  • Follow users through an entire behavior analytics ecosystem
  • Multi-Store supported
  • Collect mouseflow website id or tracking code from here
  • Put script or site id from configuration page

Enable Mouseflow tracking for your online store with nopStation’s Mouseflow Analyzer plugin for nopCommerce. Please have a look at one of nopStation’s other class-leading Analytics plugins, Google Analytics 4(GA4) with Enhanced eCommerce plugin

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