Product Ribbon Plugin by nopStation

Product Ribbon Plugin by nopStation
Product ribbons plugin helps to highlight and promote the products on your website. It makes the contents of the site more eye catchy to the customer for different highlighted products.
拡張機能の取得 このプラグインをダウンロードは、開発者のWebサイトにで行われますので、自動的にリダイレクトされます
サポートバージョン: 4.40, 4.50, 4.60
作成日: 2月 14,2022
最終更新日: 1月 05,2023

Product ribbons promotes the products on your website and give your product's attention to the customers.

Features (Plugin) :

  • Supports enable/disable New, Discount and Best Seller ribbon
  • Status is configurable from admin
  • Multi-store supported
  • Easy to install and configure
  • Supports default clean theme