SendGrid API Plugin

SendGrid API Plugin
Send email from your store with confidence using the SendGrid API. The SendGrid API plugin is a great option for managing your SendGrid account without the use of login name and password. Just your API key.
拡張機能の取得 このプラグインをダウンロードは、開発者のWebサイトにで行われますので、自動的にリダイレクトされます
サポートバージョン: 3.90
作成日: 5月 18,2019
最終更新日: 11月 18,2020

Versions 4.2 and 4.3 coming soon!

Managing your own email systems in-house can be a strain on your IT resources. SendGrid’s reliable cloud-based infrastructure can save you money while providing numerous benefits.

The SendGrid API Plugin connects your store’s email to your SendGrid account for fast, reliable delivery.

Better Security

  • Email is secured via API key authentication.
  • More secure than username/password.

Easy To Use

  • Simply sign up for a SendGrid account,
  • Get an API key from SendGrid,
  • Copy and paste it into the SendGrid API plugin’s configuration page,
  • Save, and start sending!

Why SendGrid?
Over 80,000 customers trust SendGrid to land their emails in the inbox. SendGrid also allows you to track email opens, bounces, unsubscribes, and spam reports without any use of code.

Why Irvine Software Company?
Irvine Software Company is a nopCommerce Gold Partner and premier technology consulting firm specializing in ecommerce, web, and application development, providing solutions to small businesses across the globe.