Admin Report Exporter by nopStation

Admin Report Exporter by nopStation
Admin report exporter plugin for nopCommerce lets the store owner easily export reports straight from the admin panel with a simple click.
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Versões suportadas: 4.50, 4.70
Criado: agosto 25,2022
Última atualização: maio 28,2024

Admin report exporter Plugin gives your business the ability to export important reports directly from the admin panel as Excel files and save them locally on your device or keep them in the cloud. This lets you easily create excel files of your reports which you can share with people easily or use as backups. This also lets you take your reports with you in a portable manner.

Available reports:

  • Sales summary
  • Low Stock
  • Bestsellers
  • Products never purchased
  • Country Sales
  • Customer reports


  • Export filtered or searched custom reports
  • Export reports as Excel(.xlsx) files and download them locally
  • Easy to install and configure