Get Function From Another Project

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12 anos atrás
Hi guys...
I'm trying to get function from another project...
I have added all references and so one...


I want to get image in my project:

            PictureService obj = new PictureService(new NopObjectContext());
            Image1.ImageUrl = obj.GetPictureUrl(177, 200);

also i have added in my web.config "NopEntities" connection string...

and now it tells me that:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
in ~\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Infrastructure\IoC.cs Line 77

public static T Resolve<T>()
Line 77:  return _resolver.Resolve<T>();

Who can help? Just want to get imageurl from another project.
12 anos atrás
It seems you didn't register your service in the IoC.
12 anos atrás
Hello, having the sam problem, i cant get to have valid nopcontext.
Any help?
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