Compare List Set Max Item = 3

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12 anos atrás
Hello, can anyone please help me?  I'm using version 1.8

The Compare List is set to always have 4 maximum items to compare.  I want to set it so that it's only 3 (Else it would be overflowing in the layout).  I'm trying to edit CompareProducts.ascx.cs

How could I set it so that compareProducts.Count < 4  so it stops generating rows and columns after 3 items?  Thank you.
12 anos atrás
Nvm. I found it, it's in the Libraries > Nop.BusinessLogic > Products > ProductManager.cs just set maxProducts = 3;

var newProductIds = new List<int>();
        foreach (int oldProductId in oldProductIds)
          if (oldProductId != productId)

        HttpCookie compareCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies.Get("NopCommerce.CompareProducts");
        if (compareCookie == null)
          compareCookie = new HttpCookie("NopCommerce.CompareProducts");
        int maxProducts = 3;
        int i = 1;
        foreach (int newProductId in newProductIds)
          compareCookie.Values.Add("CompareProductIds", newProductId.ToString());
          if (i == maxProducts)
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