Microsoft SDK component sgen.exe error during .bat installation

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12 anos atrás
I started developing website almost 6 days ago and I am still having problems, lol...  I might as well upgrade to 2.0 so I ran the .bat file and get an error message concerning sgen.exe not being in its correct location with Microsoft SDK.  So I did a full system search and sgen.exe is not on my machine.  

I have tried the following solutions:
1) install microsoft SDK - still no sgen.exe
2) repair .net framework 4.0 - still no sgen
3) repair Visual Studio 10 - no sgen.exe
4) search the internet for for .net framework 3.0 download or .net 3.5 as it seems it had the sgen.exe in it, but I cant find a copy.
5) I am not sure if I should try to find and install Visual Studio 8 or if it could cause me additional problems.

I have also done a manual search for sgen.exe in all the places other forums said it would be, but it isnt.  My earliest software where sdk is used is, Visual Studio 9, framework 4 and SDK 7.1.  I think maybe Microsoft started using another generator for these products.

Of course it could just be fate telling me to learn to how to do it manually since I am just learning and use the quick ways once I understand what is going on.  I have built the site, sourced and input 75 products and I am ready to go to a live server tonight.  Six days ago I thought Visual Studio was a fractal generator and I have had no experience in website building.  You have to love nopCommerce for making everything so easy.
12 anos atrás
I decided to re-install SDK 7.1 thinking it was my best chance and after the installation I found sgen.exe at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools.

So a quick patch to the path in the .bat file and I should be up and running.
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