What is "rebuilding" the solution?

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12 anos atrás
I have changed some content in a .cs file and have added a new field to the contact form. Now reading around, it looks like my next step is to rebuild the solution. The only problem is that I don't know what that means. Does that mean completely reinstall nopCommerce? If so, is there a quick way to do that while keeping all of my old files uploaded(modules, images, etc)? I've read in places that I need to rebuild and then upload the nopCommerceStore.dll file.........which I don't really know how to do that either. Can anyone explain this procedure to me? Thanks!
12 anos atrás
Can anyone help me with this? I've seen several people talk about it on here before but nobody has ever mentioned how to actually do it.
12 anos atrás
it just means recompile. if you're using visual studio, you'll find rebuild under the build menu. here's a page that explains differences in build, rebuild, etc. http://forums.asp.net/t/1013741.aspx/1?What+is+the+Difference+Between+Build+and+Re+Build+in+visual+Studio+Net+
12 anos atrás
Thank you for the response. However, I simply uploaded the nopCommerce folders and files to my host account on GoDaddy and then ran the install file when I originally set up the site. So how exactly would I go about rebuilding it in this situation? Would this mean removing files and running the install file again?
12 anos atrás
Good Question. I too would like to know the answer.

If someone uploads the no-source code version of nopCommerce to the Hosting provider (by simple FTP transfer via FileZilla), how does one recompile the solution ?

Is it even possible ? Maybe it is only better to stick to the Source code version ?
12 anos atrás

If you want to make changes to .aspx files or stylesheets, you can just change it in notepad or whatever editor and upload the files to your host. If you want to make changes to code like .cs files however or for instance need to add a new payment provider to the store, you need to recompile the nc store and upload to see the changes.

You can use Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express for that. It is free. Load the source files as a project in Visual Web Developer, do your changes and recompile (build the solution). You can then Publish the project which will give you all the files and directories you need to run your store on a host.
12 anos atrás
Thank you, hanzzz! I am downloading Visual Studio right now and I will give this a try later and reply here if it works.
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