Winhost vs Arvixe Hosting

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12 anos atrás
I know that both of these hosts are recommended for nopCommerce, and I know that a lot of users here have probably used both hosts at some point in time. If you were to start a brand new site tomorrow, which host would you choose?

I have seen some pretty mixed results from browsing through these forums. It appears like a lot of peole have had problems running into the memory limit of winhost, but I have also seen a couple people say that they've switched from arvixe to winhost and are much happier. Color me confused!

Has anyone setup version 2.0 on either of these hosts?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated!

12 anos atrás
Can anyone with any experience from either or both of these companies provide any feedback?? Thanks!
12 anos atrás
Please take a look at this:
12 anos atrás
Are you looking for Shared or Dedicated hosting?

If Shared, then you will have performance issues occasionly.
Dedicated is the way to go, but it costs a lot more.
12 anos atrás
Thank you ABCD, I started monitoring that thread recently as well, but a lot of the comparison's were pretty old, and I'm looking for more of a direct comparison from people who have experience with winhost and arvixe. I'd especially be interested to hear from people who have had experience with both.

MikeMCSD, for now we're definitely looking for a shared host. Hopefully the site will do well enough that eventually it will demand a move to a dedicated host.
12 anos atrás
DO NOT BUY SHARED HOSTING ON ARVIXE. Just avoid them... lack of support no uptime no refund of my balance which I added to my account. They send support ticket id's later they telling that this ID doesn't exist. Was waiting for dedicated IP for 7 days then they said we don't have available IP's on this server...
12 anos atrás
Arvixe asks for your passport or driver license information in order to verify your account. For those who don't want to submit your passport or driver license information to the web hosting company,  DON'T BUY PLAN FROM ARVIXE. You might not be able to get your money back from them.
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