Build: Missing dll(s)

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12 anos atrás
It now loads but reports 85 errors when I try to build it, most appear to be related to missing dlls. I downloaded the source, should Ii download the binaries (are there some) or should the project build them?

Thanks again, Jesse
12 anos atrás
jetiii wrote:
It now loads but reports 85 errors when I try to build it, most appear to be related to missing dlls. I downloaded the source, should Ii download the binaries (are there some) or should the project build them?

Thanks again, Jesse

Hey Jesse a little more context would help. Are you building from within Visual Studio or using the batch files, and is this version 2.1? If you look through some of the active topics you will find that other are having issues building the project via batch files in version 2.1.

Also you do not need to download more than 1 project. If you want to write and tweak code then download the source version, but if you want to just theme and deploy then just download the "binary" version.
12 anos atrás
Hi Skyler, and thanks for replying.

I have tried both the batch build and building from inside Visual Studio.

The error I get when I try to build just nopServices is that it can't load: MigraDoc".DocumentObjectModel.dll" and the file is there.

I have been trying various builds of the projects, but it seems so far, that the errors are rooted in the pre-built dlls in the Packages\PdfSharp folder.

I have been writing C and C++ for over 30 years but I use primarily Borland products. I'm hoping to add to the source of this project so I want to be able to build it.

Thanks again for you help, Jesse
12 anos atrás
jetiii wrote:
Hi Skyler, and thanks for replying.

I have tried both the batch build and building from inside Visual Studio.

The error I get when I try to build just nopServices is that it can't load: MigraDoc".DocumentObjectModel.dll" and the file is there.

I have been trying various builds of the projects, but it seems so far, that the errors are rooted in the pre-built dlls in the Packages\PdfSharp folder.

I have been writing C and C++ for over 30 years but I use primarily Borland products. I'm hoping to add to the source of this project so I want to be able to build it.

Thanks again for you help, Jesse

Interesting, inside of visual studio when you open the solution (sln) file does anything get logged to the output window? I know in your first attempt it wasn't allowing you to open the MVC project, but is it logging anything else now?
12 anos atrás
No, it opened fine after I installed MVC.

It says it could also be a dependency error of the dlls.
12 anos atrás
jetiii wrote:
No, it opened fine after I installed MVC.

It says it could also be a dependency error of the dlls.

Have you made any code changes yet? Or is this a fresh no-change version of the source? Also did you download the source rar file or did you clone the repository?
12 anos atrás
No code changes. Downloaded the source.rar file this afternoon. Unzipped it in my projects file  in Visual Studio. I am using the Pro version of Visual Studio if that makes a difference.
12 anos atrás
jetii - I'm assuming you are using Visual Studio 2010 Pro and have updated to VS2010 SP1 - if not, download all the updates from MSDN

    Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
    Version 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Version 4.0.30319 SP1Rel

If that's all good, then do you have any missing references in the library projects (core, data, services)?

Next, try Build >> Clean Solution and then Build >> Rebuild Solution
12 anos atrás
Hi Viper Guy,

You were right on my versions being off (I haven't used Visual Studio for about a year) so I upgraded and now have the same versions you identified.

However, it still won't build. All the errors seem to stem from not finding or being able to load packages\PdfSharp\MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.dll, which appears to be needed to build all of the other projects.

The dll is there.

I did notice the "file:////" prefix in the path reference. Is this correct?

This is the first error I get when I do a build all (I cleaned the solution first).

Error  89  Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Documents and Settings\Jesse E. Torres III\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\\packages\PdfSharp\MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)  C:\Documents and Settings\Jesse E. Torres III\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\\Libraries\Nop.Services\SGEN  Nop.Services

Any other ideas or help would be appreciated.

Thanks again, Jesse
12 anos atrás
very strange - I've downloaded the source on 2 separate machines and it builds without error. I simply open the solution and fine.  Do you have some strange virtual directories setup?

Open references in Nop.Services and check the path for PdfSharp - should be "C:\Documents and Settings\Jesse E. Torres III\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\\packages\PdfSharp"

google "vs2010 sgen"  several asp forum and stack overflow solutions
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