Anybody use GMail for the smtp server ?

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12 anos atrás
I can configure NOP to use gmail smtp server for our google mail account but it only works once for the test message and then I get "The operation has timed out" after that....It never sends another one.
12 anos atrás
These are gmail settings I use
Email address  [email protected]
Email display name:  DisplayName
Port:    587
User:    [email protected]
Password:    <password>
SSL:    <checked>
Use default credentials:<NOT checked>

Be sure you SAVE your changes before you click the Send Test Email button.
10 anos atrás
Take a look here !

You need to activeta 2 steps verification on Google Privacity Options of your Google Account, then create a password for NopCommerce, and remember to change the password on the setup of NopCommerce and click on "Change Password" !!, and then on SAVE button !

It should work

Bye !
10 anos atrás
Wow! I was getting the error below because I was using a weak password...

The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required.

After I tried almost everything I found a post from this guy:


I got the exact same error, it turns out Google's new password strengh measuring algorithm has changed deeming my current password as too weak, and not telling

me a thing about it (not even a message or warning)... How did I discover this? Well, I chose to change my password to see if it would help (tried everything

else to no avail) and when I changed my password, it worked!

Then, for an experiment, I tried changing my password back to my previous password to see what would happen, and Gmail didn't actually allow me to do this,

citing the reason "sorry we cannot allow you to save this change as your chosen password is too weak" and wouldn't let me go back to my old password. I figured

from this that it was erroring out because either a) you need to change your password once every x amount of months or b). as I said before, their password

strength algorithms changed and therefore the weak password i had was not accepted, even though they did not say anything about this when trying to login

ANYWHERE! This (number 2) is the most likely scenario, as my weak password was about 4 months old, and it let me use it in Gmail.

It's pretty bad that they said nothing about this, but it makes sense. Because most hijacked emails are logged into using software outside of gmail, and I'm

guessing you are required to have a stronger password if you want to use Gmail outside of the Gmail environment.

I hope this helps!
10 anos atrás
Thanks Brother,

This was a overlooked mistake on my part.

I thought I was going crazy WITH Gmail.

"2 step verification fixed everything"

Fixed. All working.
10 anos atrás
using the above works 100% with nopCommerce 3.30 version.
Known Problem only if using: Internet Explorer 11 with Windows Blue or 8.1 Versions Enterprise downwards

causing Gmail password field not to take properly.

Now, if your using Windows 8.1 your getting the exact error above constantly[/b][/i] as seen above posts.

[b]Solution: Download Firefox then go to your admin site.

She will take the password change and email will be sent correctly this time.
Thus its not Gmail it's IE11 which blows again.

This will help those that know what there doing and the settings which were correct.

Thanks Microsoft for IE 11.
Now back to Ubuntu and firefox... :) Hope this helps relieve stress.
10 anos atrás
I have set my email account settings up to match the ones listed above.  I have two-step gmail verification set up and an app specific password.  

I do not get an error in the log. I simply get "Failure Sending Mail" on the email settings page when I send a test message.

Anyone have any suggestions?

The computer I am working from setting all this up is at a different location than the server. Do I need to be on the server pc to set this up?
10 anos atrás
I have two-step gmail verification set up and an app specific password.  

set this to off. "Do not use 2 step verification."
My bad, I was so happy I got it working I forgot to update this post. It was not 2 step verification but rather IE11 problem.

DO not use IE11 at all with any admin side work. Use any other lower number IE or Firefox which works.

If you are using the above settings correct -port number above you should be able to send a test message to yourself in admin.[u][/u]
10 anos atrás
Thanks for the quick reply.  

I am using Chrome to make all my changes and everything in my account settings matches.
I have turned off 2-step verification for my gmail account and still no luck. No log error, just a Failure Sending Mail notice.

I just tried Firefox as well and got the same error.

I have successfully set up and company email address but need the gmail one working as my primary.   Any thoughts?
10 anos atrás
Port:  587 needs to be opened locally only on your firewall.

Ie: your Nop box is then open port 587 only on that ip.
You do this on your firewall side not your computer side.
Whichever box has Nop on it, make sure "that firewall" is opened tcp 587.
Most computers allow the opening and closing of ports unless enterprise hardware.

This could be a problem if your firewall is locked down and won't allow any outward connections
other than 80, 8080, 53 UNLESS you point your box to DMZ 192.168.1.xx

That should do it unless your making a silly make somewhere.

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