MAJOR Nop 2.2 Performance / MVC3 Performance Issues

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12 anos atrás
Ok, I just set my site up as website on my local machine, and, once problems at all.  The site is running great, and I am not seeing constant recycling / restarting of my app.  So, its something going on with my hosting company.

I will continue to pursue!

12 anos atrás
Ok, after setting up my website as a web app, I attached it to its own Application Pool.  I am watching and recycling the IIS Worker Process w3wp.exe and I can see it is clearly exceeding 100MB (it runs between 200 to 300MBs).  I don’t know much about memory management so I am not sure if this is what the app requires or if it just grabs what it needs, etc…

*** Nop v2.2 users ***

DOES ANYONE know anything about NopCommerce memory management and how to check and possibly manage this.  This host will force recycle at 100MB and I am seeing the worker process get to over 200MB just to start the app.  After that, it seems to hover between 200 and 300 MBs.

Are there any other App Pool options that will prevent my app from force recycling.  My app is not running away with memory usage, but it may just need more than 100MB in general.
12 anos atrás
I'm using Nop 2.2 with same theme without any custom development....

Having 18000 products of database....

I've hosted it on dedicated server.....

When application is started..... it works perfectly... and at request time .. it takes 30 to 40% of CPU usage and after that it goes down to 0 to 5%....

but Problem is that...after 10 or 15 min ....suddenly it takes up to  90 to 95% of CPU usage continuously ....

What could be the reason....???

Thank You...
12 anos atrás
12 anos atrás
Nop Team? Are you looking into this? Any updates, anyone?


We managed to fix the issue by integrating Apache Solr with nopCommerce. The integration is now available as a separate nopCommerce commercial plugin known as nopAccelerate.
12 anos atrás

Well there are many way you might make your site run faster. If you use you can see that on your first load you make 48 request and transfer about 890 kb.

Some of the optimation must be made by the user :-)

a) look at all the images you saved as png. Saved as jpeg can save you a huge amount.

    this image is 40KB and could be save with same visible quality at 5kb reduceing 35kb or 4% load

    This image is 25kb and could be save with same visible quality at 5kb reducing 20 kb or 2 % load

-   and so on. you can reduce the load at least with 100 kb or over 10% just by optiomizing images (yes back 80's when     using 2400 modems we ware carefull about such things.

b) is the CSS 117 KB
    use a tool like and compress your CSS
    (make a backup of the original and use the tool. Just Standard reduces it to 75 KB - Another 40KB or 5% saved on load

c) make sure is available. Returns an 404 errror which is not nice and an extra trip to server

d) you could use sprites for some of your background images to save an requests on server.

e) make sure you use gzip on your server if possible reduzing the load again.

f) what server are you one low end shared or VPS with enough ram and power?

All these things can be done on your side without nopCommerce. I guess the developer take care of the rest for us :-)

12 anos atrás
Hi Markus!

Thanks for taking the time to evaluate my site!  Great feed back and I will definitely look to implement your suggestions.  I am not having any performance issues anymore, as they were based on the Application Pool resetting by my hosting provider, but I'll do anything to make my site run as fast an efficiently as possible!

thanks again!

12 anos atrás
gweiss27 wrote:
Hi Markus!

Thanks for taking the time to evaluate my site!  Great feed back and I will definitely look to implement your suggestions.  I am not having any performance issues anymore, as they were based on the Application Pool resetting by my hosting provider, but I'll do anything to make my site run as fast an efficiently as possible!

thanks again!


Hello Greg. I am having the same problem with How did you get winhost to resetting your Application Pool???.
You mean the increase the Application pool memory?
Did you have to change your hosting plan?.

12 anos atrás
In addition to your App_Start issues you have some low hanging fruit you can fix yourself on your homepage.  I used the Firefox Add-Ons  "Firebug" and "YSlow" to look at your site.  

Your total payload for all the components is 4.7MB which is huge especially since 3.8MB of that is images.  That Pet Gallery is doing most of the damage because you have images that are 1600x1200 that you scale with HTML to something like 100px.  One of the images I saw was 600KB by itself.  If you resize that photo in an editor to the correct size and use it you could probably get it down to 10KB.

You are also including duplicate javascript libraries like jquery and jquery.min.  You only need the .min version.  It's the same thing as the normal library just with the whitespace removed and a few other compression techniques.  Removing those and the jquery.1.4 file you don't need would save another 350K.

YSlow is an awesome tool because you can see a lot of suggestions on how to make the page load faster similar to the spriting and other suggestions someone paid on a previous page.

EDIT:   I just looked at your 1.9 site and the HTML was 40K versus 10K for the staging and it loaded in 1.6s versus .9s for staging.  That doc is all that nopCommerce is responsible for, everything else is just static files.  I think if you optimize those images and CSS/JS you're going to see your 2.2 site load way faster than the 1.9 version.
12 anos atrás
More thoughts:  

-Minify your styles.css file.  Another 50KB savings.  There are tools you can download and have it run in a MSBuild task or you can do it by hand here:

-Combine all of those jquery.ui.*.css files in /themes/base into one file.  That will save your server from 13 extra requests each page load.

-The social media icons and the rss icon would be good candidates for a sprite.
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