Cutomer type/level and price?

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14 anos atrás
I am looking for functionality where I can have default customers buy from my web shop, and my re-sellers buy from my web shop.

The re-sellers should be displayed different product prices when logged in (re-sellers will get lowers prices then the ordinary customer. Every product has its seperate low price, not a % discount).
Does your dashCommers have this functionality?
Please advice.
14 anos atrás

yes this can be achieved by using customer roles and discounts. Create the discount set the amount you want to take off end price this can be % or amount. Assign the discount to a customer role. Assign your re-seller to the customer role.

Then assign the discount to the product variant. Then repeat process for products with different amounts to be taken off.

14 anos atrás
But the discount only shows when you check out correct?
14 anos atrás
Not possible with out of the box.

I did it for my needs. I have 4 level of prices for every variant. I have level for customer role. every level in store is set to use one of those 4 prices. So I can have more then 4 roles but for now I implement fixed 4 different prices for product.

For example customer x is in role Customer which has price level normal and customer y is in role reseller which has price level reseller.

When cust. x login he will se price that is entered for normal price for any variant, but when cust. y login he will se different price.

If price for some level is set to 0 displayed price is taken form next price level in "line".

But this takes me some time :)
14 anos atrás
No, You will get the discount price at the product as long as user is logged in.

The only problem is with the attributes and tier pricing, this does not put the discount till the checkout.

14 anos atrás
Skiltz, try adding the following to ProductInfo.ascx.cs

    public string GetItemDiscountedPrice(ProductVariant VariantItem)
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      decimal VariantItemSubTotalWithDiscountBase = TaxManager.GetPrice(VariantItem, VariantItem.OldPrice);
      decimal VariantItemSubTotalWithDiscount = VariantItem.Price;
      decimal VariantItemDiscount = decimal.Zero;

      decimal VariantItemDiscountBase = TaxManager.GetPrice(VariantItem, PriceHelper.GetDiscountAmount(VariantItem));
      if (VariantItemDiscountBase > decimal.Zero)
        VariantItemDiscount = CurrencyManager.ConvertCurrency(VariantItemDiscountBase, CurrencyManager.PrimaryStoreCurrency, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency);
        string discountString = PriceHelper.FormatPrice(VariantItemDiscount);


      string subTotalString = PriceHelper.FormatPrice(VariantItemSubTotalWithDiscount);

      sb.Append("<span class=\"productPrice\">");
      sb.Append(PriceHelper.FormatPrice(VariantItemSubTotalWithDiscount - VariantItemDiscount));

      return sb.ToString();

And update the BindData() method with

ProductVariantCollection productVariantCollection = ProductManager.GetProductVariantsByProductID(product.ProductID);
lPrice.Text = string.Format("{0:c}", GetItemDiscountedPrice(productVariantCollection[0]));
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