New Items show garbage for detail...

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12 anos atrás

I have just completed my 1st install of nopCommerce and am doing some testing of the process....

I added a new category...
Within that category I added 3 items...

Back to Home Page...
Click on Category...
  Items are displayed in main display area...

  Click on image of item...
   Garbage screen returned...

Back to Home page....
Select new item from category in left column...
  Same garbage display...

Select existing item from sample data...
  correct display...

(1) did the install fail someplace?
(2) is it a Data Base or application issue?

Where do I start looking to fix this problem?

12 anos atrás

I have created a new Manufacturer and added a product to that manufacturer...

Select the manufacturer from the left column...
  Same garbage screen as for a new item...
12 anos atrás
What do you mean by garbage screen? Weird character? If yes, please look at the following topic
12 anos atrás

Yes, you seem to have nailed the issue... not sure I want to perform the resolution noted in the second issue in changing the code.  Since I am on a proof of concept trial of nopCommerce, I can wait for the next release to see what else is resolved.

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