Extending NC2.2 Tables in Plugin

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12 anos atrás
Hi,I'm working on my own plugin,I need to extend product table
I know that I'll have a diffrent context in the plugin ,so, no navigation properties can be used.

so, shall I extend the product table via Domain.Data... within my plugin & run sql statments via ssms.
OR,create my new table product_ext table to include such extentions with productID as its pk ?

12 anos atrás
The easiest way for further maintenance (upgrading) will be creating a new table [Product_exc] as you suggested. I would recommend it. But if you do not plan to upgrade to the further versions (for example, you're going to apply a lot changes), then just extend Product entity
12 anos atrás
Thanks Andria.

I 'm trying to maintain my custom design with my plugin to esialy upgrade to future NC versions.

By the way I'd like to thank you & the NC team for Plugins!!!
No I can easily have my customization for NC with no worry about future release!

Thanks a lot.
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