Error when running prepare.bat v2.2

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12 anos atrás
trying to run prepare.bat and getting an error:
error: could not load file or assembly 'file://c:\website\store\packages\EPPlus.\lib\2.0\Epplus.dll or one of its dependencies.

I have the file in place and the projects runs well in debug.

I'm running v2.2 with all the new changesets

thank you
12 anos atrás
Thanks for info. I'm working on a work item right now (so cannot commit a fix). Follow the next steps:
1. Open the solution in VS
2. Remove 'EPPlus' assembly from Nop.Service project
3. Add it manually back from \src\packages\EPPlus.\lib\2.0\
12 anos atrás
did that still no luck.
12 anos atrás
added it from a different folder and it works fine

12 anos atrás
hi Andrie

I have updated all chagesets and updated the packages,
The above problem happened again and i cant find a way to work it out.

tried what u suggested , also tried to install it form online package service, I get the above error when i try to run prepare.bat

please advice

BTW: I get the same error when i run a fresh  clean Nop solution form codeplex

12 anos atrás
Could you please delete the previously downloaded solution and re-download the entire 2.30 solution and try it one more time?
12 anos atrás
downloaded the latest version
build it
run prepare.bat

5>SGEN : error : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Web Sites\Online Store\changeset\src\packages\EPPlus.\lib\2.0\EPPlus.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)
           - An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. See for more information.
12 anos atrás
But the assembly EPPlus.dll is located on the same machine, it is not loaded from a network location.

Do anybody else experience this issue?
12 anos atrás
i have placed it in the folder where i get the error and from and for some reason it cannot be loaded
12 anos atrás
any idea?
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