PayFast or PayGate or MonsterPay Payment Gateway Plugin for NopCommerce 2.20

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12 anos atrás
Hallo Everyone, Is there someone that can help me out with the code or plugin for any of the following South African Payment Gateways? PayFast and PayGate and MonsterPay.

Thank you.
12 anos atrás
1. Please do not post such questions into 'News and announcements' forum
2. Do not duplicate questions
12 anos atrás
Sorry about that. It is my first post and when I realized it is in the wrong forum I did not know how to take it off or move it to the correct forum.
12 anos atrás
Sorry about that. It is my first post and when I realized it is in the wrong forum I did not know how to take it off or move it to the correct forum.
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