Installing a plugin

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12 anos atrás
Can someone please give me a quick how-to on installing a plugin that needs code changed in the source files?

Something along the lines of:

1. Copy the plugin folder into your "nopCom_2.00_source\Plugins" directory
2. Edit the require code in the required files.
3. Compile your project
4. Copy the plugin files "xxx.dll" & "xxx.dlm" into your plugin folder on your webserver
5. Install the plugin from your admin panel
etc. etc.

The above is how I thought it goes but I am not having much success trying to install one :(

If anyone out there is as useless with working with the code as I am, I'm sure they might like to know the answers to these questions too!

Many thanks in advance guys...

12 anos atrás
12 anos atrás
Thanks Andrei,

This probably makes perfect sense to someone that knows a bit about developing and Visual Web Developer, but for me at the moment it does not :(

I am currently having isues with VWD Exp 2010 when trying to load up a nopCom v2.00/2.20 projects that I have a question posted on the forums for. Maybe if I get this issue sorted I will be able to follow these steps.

Post is here

Thanks for the reply...
12 anos atrás
       I am beginner to nop commerce . i want to add a payment plugin like credit card.. can any body help me out with the detailed procedure of adding a plugin to nopcommerce,  and it should be displayed in the admin panel and installed . Help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance,
12 anos atrás

If you are talking about adding a plugin that someone has already created then see steps below. If you are asking how to create a plugin then I can't help!

To install a plugin you need to go to the plugins page for your installed version, find here. You find and download a plugin and there are normally instructions on how to install/use.

Some are very easy to install, all you have to do is place the plugin folder, usually named like "Payments.PayPoint" or something, and usually only contain three files, a & Description.txt.

Put this folder in your "Plugins" folder on the root of your site and go to the plugins page in the admin section of your site, reload the list of plugins, find the new one in the list and install. There should be instructions on how to do this and how to configure the plugin contained within the plugin.

However, there are some plugins that require you to add to your project in Visual Studio and re-compile your site and then upload. This is a little more tricky if you are not familiar with VS, which I am not :(

I hope this helps...

11 anos atrás
Yes this is helpfull
11 anos atrás
Hello All

I have created a plugin for nop 2.80

For plugin I need to change some of the code Also

So How can I install plugin to existing published Site with out changing data base.
11 anos atrás
Installing a plugin does not change the database, unless the plugin's own installation code changes the database.
When you click the Install link in Admin >...> Plugins, if the plugin installs successfully, then the \App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt file is updated.
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