2.2 to 2.3 Error - A generic error occurred in GDI+.

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12 anos atrás
Hello All,
I am working on my upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.  Everything seemed to be going ok but when I log into the Admin Backoffice and navigate to Configuration \ Settings \ General and Miscellaneous Settings I get the following error:

A generic error occurred in GDI+.

Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI+.

Source Error:

Line 11: </div>
Line 12: <div id="@(clientId + "image")">
Line 13:     <img src="@(pictureService.GetPictureUrl(Model, 100, false))" />
Line 14: </div>
Line 15: @if(picture != null){

Source File: c:\inetpub\NC23_Upgrade\Administration\Views\Shared\EditorTemplates\Picture.cshtml    Line: 13

Any ideas on how to fix this?

12 anos atrás
Ensure that the Thumbs folder (Content\Images\Thumbs) has write permissions set.

This error is caused because the the PDF logo thumbnail on the 'Pdf settings' tab couldn't be saved (the thumbnail for noDefaultImage is created when you access the page -causing the exception).

12 anos atrás
Brilliant!  That worked...thanks for the help!

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