Multi Store Support for Nop 2.4

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11 anos atrás
Asheq wrote:

If you have done multi store support on 2.6 please let me know.

This will be highly appreciated.


11 anos atrás
Asheq wrote:

If you have done multi store support on 2.6 please let me know.

This will be highly appreciated.




I keep updating the code on daily bases, u can download the latest update on:
11 anos atrás
Hi hezyz

I'm a novice to start and I have a couple of question's if you have the time...


Would it be possible you could provide the Url for the nessercary change sets for multi store support in Nop 2.4. As I can't currently upgrade to 2.5 or 2.6. :( I don't know where to begin to look. Just need it for 2.4....


I'm intergrating nop into an exsiting database currently creating a single wholesale website that contain's 10,000 products. With the eventual plans of lauching 2 minner websites and a retail website using the same stock list but refining product list to the speafic categories.

I'm using transactional replication between two db's for the first website.  I have the intergration complete on the first website but with the multistore support could it be possible to contain all information in these two databases for the 4 websites. We have planned.

Quick Breakdown

1. Using the same Full SourceCode 2.4
2. Same Database's (Nop db and existing inhouse Db)
3. BUT deploying out 4 seperate websites but using the same Admin Interface and 1 installed Database.

I know that I will need to write 4 seperate stored procedures seperating out all product inserts whilst updating the catalog as it goes for each site.

If you Could give any feedback I would be very thankful and hope this makes sense??

Thanks in advance :)

Kind regards

Nop Rules!!!

11 anos atrás

I have downloaded but it is not running. it is showing the following errors

1. ERROR: The type or namespace name 'Autofac' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)  C:\Software Projects\NopCom Projects\nopms25-e5d126f29cd3\nopms25_e5d126f29cd3\src\Plugins\Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Twitter\DependencyRegistrar.cs  1  7  Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Twitter

2. Error  : The type or namespace name 'ContainerBuilder' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)  C:\Software Projects\NopCom Projects\nopms25-e5d126f29cd3\nopms25_e5d126f29cd3\src\Plugins\Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Twitter\DependencyRegistrar.cs  11  38  Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Twitter

same error repeats and showing 22 error in different plugins. I am totally new to NOPCOM and MVC so please advice.

11 anos atrás
Hi hezyz,

I have made it run but getting error as storeid not found. I think I need a full script to update database. I have already updated to nop 2.6. and also tried your db script update .

Please let me know.

11 anos atrás
is possible to hide items that are not accessible from admin panel?
11 anos atrás
Unfortunately after a number of years I have made the decision to move away from nop because of the lack of multi-store development :(

As much as I admire everyone for 'trying' to implement their own version, personally I'd either wait for the official version with multi-store, or move to another product.  Whatever anyone says, any implementation on the the current version will just be a hack and you're screwed for important updates with out a fair bit of work.
11 anos atrás
Hi hezyz,

Can You please give me the DB Script with NopCom 2.6 upgrades. as I can now build the project but It doesn't run as there are database changes needed.

Please help me please.


11 anos atrás
I only have a fresh installation.
what u can do is: upgrade with the original nop script,
then run the SqlServer.StoredProcedures.sql  from the new multi store.

u can copy past the code from the multi SqlServer.StoredProcedures.sql and replace it with the procedure ProductLoadAllPaged at the upgrade script file
11 anos atrás
Hi hezyz!
This error appear after run update script and ProductLoadAllPage
"Procedure or function ProductLoadAllPaged has too many arguments specified."
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