WebServices plugin in NopCommerce

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12 anos atrás

I have made a new system in NopCommerce, It can place order and it is in development mode. We have build our own payment methods as well. Now we want to call all order functions like UpdateOrder, RefundOrder, CancelOrder from an another system using Web Services.

I have seen that there is one Web Service plugin in Misc in NopCommerce but not have idea how to proceed it. Any help or anyone has done this task?

12 anos atrás
Right now web service plugin doesn't have such methods (otherwise, it'll be bloated), you have to customize the plugin and manually add these methods.
12 anos atrás
Yes, I have started work on it. Basically i have to implement all the functionality that are available in Nop.Service.Order.OrderProcessingService class into a WebService plugin. I will create my own plugin for Web Service and its ok.

I wasted my 4 hours when i was testing any method that has this check in NopService.cs:

CheckAccess(usernameOrEmail, userPassword);
            if (!_permissionSettings.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageOrders))
                throw new ApplicationException("Not allowed to manage orders");

I was getting error that "Unable to access method" and we must set the setting from Admin panel under configuration and go to Access Control List and then select the access permission for Plugins. Access Web Service. I have selected all check box, just for testing. Now i can call this method "_orderProcessingService.MarkOrderAsPaid(order);". It work only when the order is in authorized status.

I will post further how I am proceeding.

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